Penn State’s Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT), part of Penn State University Libraries, has welcomed five University instructors across three campuses into its Faculty Fellows cohort for 2024-26 and started collaborating on a new collection of projects. Faculty chosen for the Faculty Fellows program team up with TLT on innovative technology projects, with past endeavors spanning a broad spectrum from learning spaces to virtual reality/immersive experiences to data-empowered learning.
Twelve Penn State faculty members received Fulbright Scholar Awards for the 2024-25 academic year, according to the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. An additional four faculty members have been named Fulbright Specialist Award recipients.
Faculty and staff from Penn State Lehigh Valley were among the slate of presenters and panelists at the annual Commonwealth Connections Instructor Days, a virtual event whose goal is to share strategies and tools for success in teaching.
Penn State Lehigh Valley criminal justice program adjunct instructor Corallys Fernandez's work in the juvenile probation field was recently recognized on a state level.
Michael Pittaro, director of corrections for Northampton County and associate professor of criminal justice at American Military University, shared stories about his experiences over his 35-year career in the field of corrections with Penn State Lehigh Valley criminal justice students recently.
A draft proposal of Penn State’s institutional strategic plan has been unveiled and shared with the community for feedback and discussion. All faculty, staff and students at all campuses are encouraged to visit the Strategic Plan website to review and provide feedback on the draft plans for four goal areas.
The Aegean Sea served as both a classroom and biology lab for a group of 20 students from all over the U.S. studying the environmental impact of microplastics this past summer. The students, including five from Penn State, traveled to Greece as part of the Connecting Humans and Nature through Conservation Experiences (CHANCE) program.
Maung Min, director of business programs and associate teaching professor of business at Penn State Lehigh Valley spent three weeks in Thailand as a Fulbright Specialist, giving guest lectures at Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University, Bangkok.
Penn State has selected Hanover Research to aid with gathering data and providing suggestions to Penn State on the Academic Portfolio and Program Review (APPR) initiative.
Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and Westmoreland County Community College, building upon a long-standing relationship, have entered into a new articulation agreement designed to enhance educational opportunities and improve the rate at which students obtain undergraduate degrees in Pennsylvania.